Get Your Website Online In 2 Months - Join The 'Website Sprint Challenge'
Ideal if you've STILL haven't got round to getting your business on-line and have decided 2025 you're getting serious and going to JUST DO IT!
Are you a Start-up or 'Want To Be Digital/On-line Entrepreneur' (or 'Digital Nomad'/'Freedompreneur') but just haven't got round to getting your business on-line?
Any of these sound familiar?
- "I'm too busy:"
- "I don't have the time"
- "I'll do it later"
- "I'm not sure how"
- "What if I get stuck?"
- "Its too difficult"
- "I don't have the skills"
And what's the result?
- A half-baked unpublished site that's probably costing you money with no return
- You're at a stalmate because you can't figure out the next step because you don't have the skills or
- Maybe, you have an idea but have no clue how to go about getting your idea on-line to test the waters to see if it will work for you or not.
- You haven't taken action because you're worried it's going to cost you an arm-and-a-leg without knowing for sure if you're going to get a return.
- How do I know if my idea will work or not? (If you aren't sure - maximise your chances of success by doing my FREE 8 Day 'Find Your Path' Series - or
- No action taken and STILL no business website on-line. Big sad face! :(
Leaving you feeling:-
- Frustrated
- Overwhelmed and
- Resigned to doing the bog standard 9-5 with no way out - possibly feeling defeated thinking 'What's the point?'.
Well, how about we change that for you?
Why not join me for the next 2 month 'Website Sprint Challenge'?
I will teach you how to use Ai to:-
- Create your logo (FYI you will need to buy it if you want it but it's the most cost-effective I could find that creates something you can actually use - the prices start at $29US. I don't get any kick-backs fyi!) Ask the pop-up community group what they think of your logo to get feedback!
- How to use Ai to write your website copy - and the goal is to actually write it so it's ready to go into your website when it's time to create it. Brainstorm with other pop-up community group members to get their take on what works for them and what doesn't.
- A brief introduction into some Ai image editing tools you could use and actually pulling your images together ready to put into your website.
- Learn how to research best web names and again ask the community for their feedback on what works.
- We'll get clear on your website navigation structure
- Learn how to create a simple drag and drop website (please note there are no fancy templates like Wix/Weebly/WP but this is only $2.99US/mth AND it includes a web name! You don't have to use who I demo on and FYI again I don't get any kick-backs for suggesting them - just the best value for money and the most reliable. They are also a great way to test your idea on the market without it costing you an arm-and-a-leg to see if your idea will even fly. When it does THEN you can level up to the next website platform that will cost you more.).
- You'll learn and create a contact form to also go on your website.
- And then we aim to GO LIVE by the end of 2 months in our last session!
BTW You DO NOT need:-
- To be a Designer
- Programmer or
- Professional Copywriter.
Ai will do all the heavy-lifting and I'll show you how!
We will also:-
- Meet every Monday lunch for 8 weeks for 45 mins-1hr on Zoom for your next step training leaving you free to implement during the next week/weekend before we next meet up. (These sessions will be recorded if you really can't make it but it's encouraged you attend as we don't want to risk you putting things on the back-burner AGAIN!)
- Each Friday for 8 weeks I will do a Live/Recorded session on questions that have been asked and post them in the FB pop-up group and if appropriate on my YouTube Channel so all members can benefit.
- It's encouraged that you team up with an accountability partner to ensure you follow-through!
Prizes will be given for:-
- Participation
- Support
- Engagement
- Assignment implementation
- And 3 selected members who go live with complete websites by the end of the 2 months will be in to win bigger prizes!
- Ready to put yourself first?
- Done with stalling and procrastinating?
- Ready for a 'New You' in 2025?
- Well why not join me from
- Monday 3rd February - Monday 31st March 2025
As this is our first 'Website Sprint Challenge' all founding members will get it at half price!
Website Sprint Challenge
No More Stalling! Get Your Website LIVE within 2 months!
Special Founders' Deal!
Normal price $394 for 2 months - Founder's Deal half price $197 - That's 24.63 per week - you probably spend that on one pilates/yoga/gym class and this will MAKE you money! (And by the way - this offer won't be repeated EVER as it's a Founders Only Deal!)
So if you're done dragging your heals and putting yourself AND your dreams on the back burner, then click the button below and sign-up for the Challenge!
Let's make 2025 YOUR year!